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Cleanup Day, 12/2/23, 9 AM - 1 PM

We had 147 vehicles, some with trailers, pass through the community center on Saturday, December 2, between 9 AM and 1 PM.  Unlike last time, no one was turned away.  We nearly filled nine WM bins.  Many vehicles had donations for the Salvation Army.  The Salvation Army was happy with the quality of the donations as well as the quantity.  Their truck was almost completely filled.  Thank you, Bell Canyon!

At the lower bus stop we had 27 vehicles, including large pickup truck loads and many vehicles with trailers, drop off yard waste, most with limbs and branches requiring chipping.  This effort helped with improving the defensible space of those homeowners' properties to better enable them to survive the threat of wildfire.

The next cleanup day will be in the Spring.

The District would like to thank Priscilla Brehm, Jerry Murphey, Garrett Clancy, Larry Little, and Andrés Castizo for their hard work and volunteerism supporting this event and the Bell Canyon Association for their support and the use of the Community Center parking lot for conducting this event.  Finally, thank you to the BCVWFD and the BCFSC for their cooperative chipping service to maximize the amount of plant material we could get into a WM bin.